
two week recap

There I go again, failing to blog. Here's a quick recap on what the past two weeks have brought me! 

Kennedy had her first boating/lake experience on Lake Lanier. Needless to say, she loved it.

My dad came in town two weekends ago to shop for a car. We got to check something off of my Atlanta Bucket List and go to the High Museum and check out the Dream Cars exhibit. If you haven't been, you should go. I don't LOVE cars but there were some neat ones in there! Jenna and I also took a kickboxing class, which was....interesting.

I got my Turner Field fix in. One of our clients invited us to sit in a box for the game a few weeks ago against the Marlins. Take BBDO out to the ball game! 

 Kickball is still happening. As are Tuesday night kickball OBD and WaHo gatherings. #blessed

 Atlanta has gotten REALLY hot, like uncomfortably hot. Nothing like last summer when it just rained all the time. We're doing our best to keep cool.

 I'm living for roomie outings! My roommate from senior year of college also came to visit last weekend and see a bit of Atlanta. We were able to take a visit Rosebuds with her family for brunch so check that one off the bucket list too! :)

In case you forgot, yesterday marked just 4 short weeks until Tennessee Football kicks off! Look forward to some football posts in the future! 

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